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I want to pray gently now. It is not an illusion.


乾漆・木・石(Urushi with clay on cloth / wood/stone)/H30cm×W12cm×D15cm/0.6kg/2020/Photo+Copyright : EMURA Tadahiko

小さな祈り Small Prayer

SKU: #K04
Sales Tax Included
  • ・本作品はすべてハンドメイドによる一点モノの作品です。在庫がなくなり次第、販売終了になります。
    ・All sculptures are one-of-a-kind handmade artworks. Therefore, the sale will end when each stock has been sold.
    ・These sculptures are made of Urushi lacquer. We will deliver a fully solidified product, but please be careful if you are sensitive to Urushi lacquer.
    ・Since Urushi lacquer is strong against water, It is possible to wipe lightly on the surface of the sculpture (the kind of using wet cloth).
    ・If it is soaked in water, the mildew will be caused by the water soaked into the core wood or cloth.
    ・Urushi is weak against UV rays. It will deteriorate if exposed to direct sunlight. Please be careful.
    ・All works are created for indoor viewing (environment similar to living room /environment where temperature and humidity are not extreme), so they cannot be installed outdoors. Please enjoy them in an environment suitable for the characteristics of the material.

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